Fuel gas treatment facility for the power supply complex of Kharasavey field

Number of units: 2 modules (FGTM-1 and FGTM-2) operating in cascade scheme
Designed for: gas separation, filtration, metering, heating and reducing
Version: on open frame (FGTM-1) / multiblock with common roof (FGTM-2)
Inlet pressure: 12.7 MPa
Outlet pressure: 0.4…0.45 MPa per GRPP / 1.2…1.25 MPa per PAES
Capacity: 8,000 m3 / h (5,000 m3 / h per GRPP; 3,000 m3 / h per PAES)
Commissioning: October 2021
Customer: LLC Allocation Hub (for JSC Gazstroyprom / PJSC Gazprom)
Gas type:
Natural gas
News on the project

At production site of the ENERGAS Group, the assembling of a module No. 1 of fuel gas treatment facility for the power supply complex of the Kharasavey field has been completed
After the manufacture of process module No. 2, factory tests of the entire facility will be carried out with the participation of the customer's experts.